“I offer myself to those who have nowhere else to turn. These desperate people who ask for my help have unique situations. Yet, however unique, they are bound together with the commonality of being the loved one of a missing person.”

•Canvassing by foot – vehicle | neighborhood – door to door
•Food, shelter, fuel provided for search teams in an active search
Investigative (resources)
•Organize private and public meetings for missing person case effort
•Trained professional – search and recovery units nationwide | K9 unit, aircraft, water (boat, kayak, ski jet, raft, canoe, divers), mounted horse units,ATV-UTV, ground support, command IC, mapping,
written reports, current sonar and technology instruments used for air-land-water, GPR (ground penetrating radar)
•Twenty four hour public TIP number to be provided for cases of the missing

•Finger printing, DNA, dental impression and photo ID programs
•Provide a variety of professional speakers and presentation topics – workshops for training purposes
•Provide national conference for free education and training for volunteers, investigators, victim survivors, families of the missing, search teams and agencies to better service cases concerning missing persons of all ages

•Guidance for communities and public awareness projects for missing victims
•Care phone support from families of missing or recovered persons | homicide survivors
•Case goals with positive structure for families of the missing | Identifying case needs
•Long term care foundation and victim support for families and loved ones of the missing left behind
•Provide spokesperson | advocate for missing person case
•Support from local and national sisterhood organizations for case
•Utilize existing programs that aid in locating a missing individual

•Act as a liaison for families of the missing, communities, media, agencies and law enforcement
•Awareness campaigns for missing persons, unidentified persons and unsolved homicide cases on a national level
•Bulk mailing project for missing persons
•Complete casework – research of a missing person case
•Counseling resources – group, individual, grief, trauma, homicide, abuse (all forms), rape and mental illness
•Organize poster distribution, internet notification system, organization’s web site and various social media sites
•Reward seed money – case by case approval
•Securing billboard resources for missing person – case by case